Saturday, June 17, 2006

David Maillu: The man who treads where angels dread

By Nicholas Asego

Fame sits well with David Maillu, one of Kenya’s more remarkable writers, a celebrity in his own right.

Many things have been said about him, but for many people separating the truth from fiction is quite difficult. Yet a chat with one of Kenya’s most celebrated and controversial writers reveals a strikingly down to earth and soft-spoken person.

With over 70 works in poetry, philosophy, politics, prose and short stories published, Maillu is probably the most published writer on the African continent.

Long before he started writing, Maillu, whose only formal education was at Machakos Technical School where he went up to Standard Eight, was a good storyteller. He cherished folktales and writing to him was merely an option to developing his storytelling talents.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a great article and was well written. I must say that Asego is a gifted writer and i honestly loved reading Maillu's story.

2:10 PM  

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